All posts by admin_user

GlastoTV: Glastonbury illuminated

Last modified: August 19, 2010

Here’s our final short film made by the students from Solent University at this year’s Festival, this time focusing on how Glastonbury lights up at night.

DEC Pakistan Flood Appeal

Last modified: August 11, 2010

Given the scale of the disaster, Oxfam have asked us to post a link to the DEC appeal for the emergency relief effort in Pakistan. The work they are all doing out there is amazing and desperately urgent, so if you are able to support them, please click here or text the word give to 70707 (UK only) to give an automatic £5 donation.

Thank you.


Abbey Extravaganza: Day two pics

Last modified: August 9, 2010

Here are Jason Bryant’s photos from day two of the 2010 Abbey Extravaganza, which featured rousing performances from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Nicola Benedetti.

Thanks to everyone who came along. See you next year! 

Abbey Extravaganza: Day one pics

Last modified: August 8, 2010

Here are some of Jason Bryant’s pictures from a terrific first day of the 2010 Glastonbury Abbey Extravaganza, which featured sets from Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel and Madness.

Today (Sunday) it’s the turn of the Classical Extravaganza, with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. If you’d like to go along, tickets will be available on the gate. Click here for info.

Video: Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood’s surprise set in The Park

Last modified: August 6, 2010

One of the undoubted highlights of this year’s Glastonbury was the surprise Friday evening appearance by Radiohead’s Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood in The Park. But, as it was completely unannounced – and the BBC don’t film The Park stage – we realise that lots of you didn’t get to see it.

So, when this wonderful video was uploaded to YouTube showing the climax of their amazing set – Karma Police and Street Spirit (Fade Out) – we thought we really ought to post it here.


Get tickets for Sunday’s Classical Extravaganza

Last modified: August 3, 2010

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra will create a breathtaking family concert at this year’s Glastonbury Abbey Extravaganza on Sunday, August the 8th. With world renowned guests, water fountains, a light show, and a spectacular firework finale, all in the beautiful grounds of Glastonbury Abbey, it’s one night you won’t want to miss!

Advance tickets, costing £30, are available online from or from the Glastonbury Festival Office, 28 Northload Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9JJ. Tel: 01458-834596. Between 9.30 am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. TIckets will also be available on the door, costing £35.
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra will be conducted by Tim Redmond with soloists, Nicola Benedetti (violin), Joanne Appleby (soprano) and Andrew Rees (Tenor).

Michael Eavis has announced a wonderful programme of classical favourites beginning with a performance from string quartet, Raven.

The RPO’s orchestral pieces this year include Glinka; Ruslan & Lyudmila; Bernstein; Candide; Overture, and the vibrant Sabre Dance by Khachaturian.

Nicola Benedetti, always a favourite at Glastonbury Abbey, returns to treat the audience to the Violin Concerto No.1 by Bruch.

The tenor solos include Puccini’s Tosca: E lucevan le stele and the evergreen anthem that is Nessun Dorma.

Joanne Appleby will perform Lehar, The Merry Widow; Vilja and Catalani, La Wally: Ebben before joining forces with her husband the tenor, Andrew Rees to provide traditional proms numbers, Jerusalem, Rule Britannia and Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance, March No.1

Bring your picnic, and your flags… and party!

GlastoTV: Campaigns and causes

Last modified: July 30, 2010

Here’s another terrific short film made by the students from Solent University at this year’s Festival, looking at the causes and campaigns which drive Glastonbury.

WaterAid’s post-Festival report

Last modified: July 26, 2010

WaterAid and Glastonbury go way back, so being there to enjoy and share their 40th birthday celebration was a bit like going to a great party held by a really good friend.

But it wasn’t all fun and games, honest! WaterAid had a pretty serious message to get across this year – that the Millennium Development Goals are seriously off track and world leaders must not be allowed to let them drop – although we tried to do this in a festival-friendly way.

Over at the stand, to the left of the Pyramid Stage, we were doing brisk business handing out cold, fresh tap water and water-bottle re-fills to the hot, thirsty masses. While they waited we asked them to sign our Don’t Let it Drop petition, wear a badge or get a tattoo. And people signed up in their thousands. 32,263 to be precise – more than double last year, sending a strong message to our elected representatives that the good people of Glastonbury Festival will not let it drop!

Speaking of the Pyramid Stage, it was great to see our Don’t Let it Drop film being shown on the big screens between the live acts. It seemed to be on all the time (thanks guys!) which is good because it’s a great film with loads of music stars, such as Goldie, The Cribs and Faithless getting behind our campaign and encouraging you do the same. If you’ve not signed the petition, it’s not too late!

As usual, WaterAid volunteers provided some essential services at the festival, including:
– The hardy recycling team, out collecting litter under the scorchio afternoon sun
– The lovely ladies looking after the famous she-pees (if you’re female and haven’t tried it yet, you are missing out big time, or so I’m told!)
– The guys and girls maintaining probably the cleanest, most environment-friendly loos on the whole site up in the Kings Meadow near the Stone Circle.

Prince Charles didn’t have time to check out are eco-loos (I’m sure he would have loved them) but he did have time to visit the WaterAid/Hunter Welly Shy. While there, he was a great sport and had a go throwing a tennis ball to dislodge a welly. You can re-live coverage of this mighty fine moment over on our blog, which was updated live via mobile throughout the weekend.

The Prince, in his role of WaterAid President, also met WaterAid volunteers and our Chief Executive, Barbara Frost, before being whisked off into the dust by his trusty Land Rover. The moment he came face to face with a WaterAid volunteer dressed as a tap also made the front page of Glastonbury’s festival newspaper, Q Daily. Result!

Our team also grabbed face-time with a few notables, including Alex James from Blur, who was getting on famously with Prince Charles, apparently; Billy Bragg, a Glasto veteran and great supporter of all the Glasto good causes; and Emma Watson, who couldn’t move for paparazzi but seemed to enjoy having her photo taken in the WaterAid photo booth!

Glasto 2010 will also be remembered as the year Glasto went football crazy – until England got knocked out of the World Cup on Sunday afternoon. WaterAid got into the football spirit too, thanks to a charity football match organised by our friends at E-Festivals which raised over £6000. Nice work, fellas!

All in all then, 2010 will surely go down as the best ever Glasto for WaterAid, and everyone else! Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers for their sunny enthusiasm, the hard working events and media teams for handling the complicated logistics, and last but definitely not least Michael and Emily Eavis for sharing your farm with us and 170,000 other people once again! See you same time, same place next year.

Joe Downie
Website Manager

(Pics: Mark Pengelly / WaterAid)

BBC4 showing Glastonbury highlights

Last modified: July 24, 2010

BBC4 are showing four hour-long concert sets from Glastonbury 2010 on Friday nights over the next few weeks (at around 9.30pm). They began last night with Muse, which you can now watch on the BBC iPlayer.

Friday 23rd July – Muse CLICK TO WATCH ON THE iPLAYER
Friday 30th July  – Pet Shop Boys
Friday 6th August – Scissor Sisters
Friday 13th August – Ray Davies

The difference a month makes…

Last modified: November 23, 2017

Jason Bryant has just sent us through two pictures taken from the same position, one during the Festival, the other taken this week. And we’ve made them into this one animated image…

Pretty amazing no? If you’d like to see a bigger version – then click here.