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Green Fields organiser Liz Eliot: “We can’t have our heads in the sand any more”

Last modified: June 23, 2019

Liz Eliot has been an environmental activist since the 1970s and an integral cog at Glastonbury, where she is Green Fields coordinator, for more than three decades.

We asked Liz to tell us more about Thursday’s Extinction Procession, which will culminate with a giant human sculpture of the Extinction Rebellion logo in the King’s Meadow, and to suggest ten simple ways we can all make a big difference.

So Liz, are you excited about the Procession?
Absolutely! We’re all coming together to send a message to the world. Starting up at The Park at 4pm and ending at the Kings’ Meadow in the Green Fields at 5.30pm, we’ll be marching together through the Festival – for our planet and for our future. We’ll have some wonderful speakers coming to The Park Stage to inspire us, before we head off through the Festival site to the Green Fields. The Extinction Procession will culminate there, where we will make a human XR sculpture – the symbol of extinction. We want to get across the message that we’ve not got long before our climate changes irreversibly and there just has to be a fundamental shift in the way we think and operate as a society.

What are you looking to change?
What we’ve got to do is change our mindset. We need to start to feel positive; to feel that we *can* make a difference. We need to feel hope because only with hope, will we begin to turn around our climate predicament.

The giant peace symbol in the Green Fields in 2017

It’s hard to escape the feeling that time is running out.
Time is short, but it has not run out yet. In fact, it feels like we are at an exciting turning point. With David Attenborough, the great Greta Thunberg and the current rise of Extinction Rebellion bringing the streets of London to a standstill and proliferating in towns everywhere, it feels as though there is a burgeoning awareness about what we as a society think is acceptable. And carrying on as we are now – living in this unsustainable way – is simply unacceptable. But if we can all make even small adjustments to the way we live our daily lives, these little ripples together will become powerful waves of change.

You have been working towards this for a long time.
I’ve been working for environmental agencies since the 70s. We were trying to show – even then – how the way we were living, clearing forests and destroying habitats, was affecting our climate. And we wanted our country to set an example to the rest of the world that we couldn’t go on living in this non-sustainable way; we couldn’t carry on being such heavyweight consumers. That was our message in the 80s and so on and so on. Until we wore ourselves out – almost, but not quite. And now it’s all reaching a climax.

So what next?
I feel now the urgency of what faces us is being understood. We can’t have our heads in the sand anymore – the tide is rising, literally! It is going to take a world movement for us to live sustainably. We need to change our culture, our mindsets and our habits. But it really is not as hard as you might think. And these changes will make life for all of us on our planet richer.

Liz’s 10 simple ways to make a huge difference

1. Communicate. Write to your politician to demand the use of renewable clean energy instead of damaging fossil fuels and ban the use of unnecessary plastic packaging. Pass the message on to friends and families. Join a climate change group to learn more.
2. Food. Eat less, eat healthy and shop locally. Cut back on meat.
3. Grow things. Grow plants and vegetables for you and flowers for the insects. A window box will take lettuces, herbs and a courgette plant; an old welly boot, a bush tomato. All plants absorb carbon dioxide.
4. Transport. Walk or use public transport where you can. If you need to use a car, choose electric or hybrid and eco drive to save fuel. Car share to make the most of your journey. Check your tyre pressure regularly to get the most out of fuel. And, of course, fly less.
5. Save water. Hold the dishwasher and washing machine until full. Make your showers shorter. Only boil the water you need to make a drink – all will save both water and electricity.
6. Use less electricity. Check your product energy efficiency, unplug appliances, chargers and wifi overnight and when you’re not using them.
7. Fashion. Buy more second-hand: it’s never been easier to buy pre-loved items. Buy quality above quantity; cotton is the world’s second-largest polluter. Mend what you can.
8. Avoid single-use disposables. From plastic to wet wipes, they are hugely polluting and their manufacture is a waste of natural resources.
9. Read. Research products; buzz words like eco, sustainable and biodegradable are not always what they imply.
10. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Site Snaps: Sunsets & Stages

Last modified: June 22, 2019

Here are some more of Jason Bryant’s photos from the farm with four days until gates open.

Download our 2019 app + keep your phone charged

Last modified: June 24, 2019

We’re pleased to report that the official Glastonbury 2019 mobile app is now available to download, for free. The app, which has been built by EE, is the only official mobile app for this year’s Festival. It’s available for devices using Apple iOS and Android. Click the buttons below to download the app now.


The fully-updated app has everything you need to enhance your Glastonbury experience both on-site or at home. Check the latest news, locate your tent, plan your line-up, live stream BBC coverage and win tickets.

Key features:

Personalised Festival Line-up – View all the artists performing at the Festival. Personalise your own Festival line-up, share with friends on social, see any timing clashes, and even set reminders.

Live Interactive Map – Live map with up-to-date site coverage, location finding, ‘now and next’ info and customisable pin drops to help you locate your friends, car and tents.

Latest News & Announcements – All the latest news and real-time updates direct from the Festival.

Low Power Mode – Maximise your battery life during the Festival by switching to low power mode.


EE is, once again, also providing free mobile charging in their recharge tent at this year’s Festival (whatever network you’re on).

Plus, you can buy a Juice Power Bar, to keep your phone charged all through the festival. You’ll be able to swap your Power Bar for a fully charged one, once every day at Glastonbury Festival 2019. Click here for more info and to order one.

Listen to Worthy FM’s official Glastonbury 2019 podcast

Last modified: June 20, 2019

Joanne Schofield presents the official podcast from our on-site radio station, Worthy FM, featuring interviews with Michael and Emily Eavis, alongside some of the Glastonbury team who help to put the Festival together.



Bring your reusable bottle and WaterAid will fill it!

Last modified: June 19, 2019

WaterAid are back at Glastonbury 2019, and they are tripling the number of their water kiosks to 37 to support the Festival’s new ban on the sale of single-use plastic drinks bottles.  You can stop by for as many refills of fresh, clean water as you like, for free! So make sure you bring a reusable bottle.

The kiosks are also where you can pick up your pre-paid Glastonbury water bottle if you ordered one, or buy one of the limited number available for sale.

The charity’s famous Loo Crew will also be keeping over 2,500 of the loos onsite clean, and at their ShePees (revolutionary female urinals) you’ll experience our Fempowered takeover – their new campaign that supports women and girls around the world to manage their periods safely and with dignity.

And if that isn’t enough, go and check out their augmented reality exhibit at the WaterAid Stand, and pick up one of their limited-edition celebrity designed pin badges to enter the #AccessDenied prize draw and ensure that no one has their access denied to clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.



Food and shopping at this year’s Festival

Last modified: June 18, 2019

Glastonbury Festival might be best known for its music and performing arts, but our Markets team also put an incredible amount of effort into providing memorable, creative and vibrant markets across the site. With almost 800 traders offering an amazing array of food and goods, the Markets have become a major attraction in their own right!


We now have over 400 food traders offering an array of exciting eats. The choices are endless with a huge variety of delicious, world cuisine available.

Even the stalls serving the food are tasty! You can get your refreshments from a 1975 Mercedes Benz fire engine (‘The Fryer Engine’, Kids & Acoustic, pictured above); a Guatemalan Chicken Bus (‘Guicha Coffee’, near Sonic); or a London double decker bus (‘The Tea Stop’ between Williams Green and circus) amongst many others!


Affordable food is very important to us at Glastonbury Festival and since 2015 many of our Traders have been helping Festival-goers go easy on their pocket, with our Food For A Fiver scheme. This year we have over 300 stalls taking part – over 75% of all our food traders. Participating Traders will feature a Food For A Fiver sticker (as pictured above) and information on their menu boards, so they will be easy to spot.

Our Food For A Fiver scheme makes it possible to sample a huge range of delicious world cuisine without breaking the bank. £5 options could include a smoothie, muesli & coffee breakfast combination, a bowl of homemade ravioli, a kids’ meal and drink, a ploughman’s lunch, a hearty vegetarian salad, a box of chicken, roast potato & gravy or a deal on coffee and cakes for two.


There are also a large number of vegetarian stalls and more vegan ones than ever before. Just to get your mouth watering here is a list of some of the amazing Vegan options you’ll be able to find on site this year: Vegan Halloumi, Vegan Pizzas, Tofu fish steaks, Vegan Katsu curries, Vegan croissants, Jackfruit burritos, Vegan pie & mash, Grilled vegan toasties, Vegan paella, Vegan Katsu noodles, Full cooked Vegan breakfasts, Battered Tofish tacos, Vegan loaded fries, Vegan cheesy chips, Crispy Jackfruit burgers, Vegan fried chick’n, Vegan ‘Duck’ wraps, Vegan Mac n Cheese!


At Glastonbury 2019, our 300+ non-food traders will give you the chance to buy an incredible range of goods. Here’s just a few examples to give you an idea… Ethically sourced affordable vintage clothing, wearable animal tails, interactive light up clothing, fancy dress, bespoke hats, jewellery made from recycled coins and cutlery, reusable nappies, juggling toys, henna tattoos, vinyl records, books, hand screen-printed posters, calligraphy portraits, mosaic mirrors, natural wax candles, ethically sourced global giftware, antiques, handmade pottery, eco beauty products and a whole lot more!

For more info on our amazing traders, keep an eye on our Food and Shopping pages.

Site snaps: Anthony Plopkins

Last modified: June 18, 2019

Check out Jason Bryant’s latest photos from the farm, with just eight days until gates open.

Join the Extinction Procession at Glastonbury 2019

Last modified: June 17, 2019

On the Thursday (June 27) of this year’s Festival, there will be an Extinction Procession, giving you the chance to stand up and demand changes to the way we live as a society, so that we can avoid a climate catastrophe.

The event – which we have organised alongside the Green Fields, Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellionwill begin at 4pm at the Park Stage, where guest speakers will make a stand for our planet and the precious habitats that it hosts.

The procession will then make its way to the Sacred Space (aka the Stone Circle) in the King’s Meadow within the Green Fields, where we plan to create the largest ever human sculpture of an hourglass – symbolising extinction – at 5.30pm.

Said Emily Eavis: “This is a chance for everybody at the Festival who feels passionately about protecting our planet and future generations to be part of a collective moment, before the main stages open up on the Friday. Everyone is invited to join in and listen to some inspiring speakers and send out a message to the world that this is a climate emergency and we need to act now.”

Said Green Fields coordinator Liz Elliot: “We want to get across the message that we’ve not got long before our climate changes irreversibly. Time is incredibly short, but it has not quite run out yet. In fact, it feels like we are at an exciting turning point. Carrying on as we are now – living in this unsustainable way – is simply unacceptable. But if we can all make even small adjustments to the way we live our daily lives, these little ripples together will become powerful waves of change.”


Main stage playlists

Last modified: June 16, 2019

We’ve made some playlists to help you choose who you’ll see on the main stages. They’re all available on Spotify and Apple Music, below.
















Greenpeace returns to Glastonbury with their best field ever

Last modified: June 15, 2019

The Greenpeace Field is back in the Green Fields for 2019 and invites you to celebrate the wonders and joys of nature,
 in all its diversity – how it fuels our existence and how we impact it.

This year Greenpeace are thrilled to announce BEAM – an awe-inspiring collaboration with Nottingham artist Wolfgang Buttress, famed for his Hive sculpture in Kew Gardens – designed to highlight the plight of the bees. Inspired by the existential challenges facing the pollinators, BEAM is a multi-sensory, immersive sculptural experience.

Also on the field this year will be the return of the Giant Rave Tree, a 22m high interactive tree housing a DJ booth (hosting Simian Mobile Disco amongst others); an amazing new bar in a beautifully designed space for you in which to chill out and escape the festival madness; a stage for some top-notch performances; the essential eco-friendly hot showers where last year over 7,000 people scrubbed-up nicely; our skate ramp hosting a bad-ass female skate team; and if that’s not enough, there’s also a massive drop-slide for all the adrenalin junkies on site!

Another big highlight this year is The Greenpeace Café – a delicious plant-based restaurant that wears its eco-credentials with pride. The Café will demonstrate that we still have an option to enjoy amazing food without harming the environment.

Check out the field’s line-up poster below and click here for more info on their Area page.