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Glastonbury wins Pollstar Award

Last modified: February 6, 2011

We’re delighted to report that Glastonbury was named International Music Festival of the Year at the 22nd Annual Pollstar Concert Industry Awards in Los Angeles last night. This is the sixth time that the Festival has won this prestigious award, and Emily Eavis was there at the ceremony to collect the prize.

Glastonbury wins Broadcast Award

Last modified: February 3, 2011

We’re very pleased to report that the BBC and Glastonbury picked up the award for Best Music Programme at last night’s Broadcast Awards for the coverage of last year’s festival. Check out 11 stand-out performances from the BBC’s official YouTube channel, on the player above.

Shangri-La Blog: “2011 sees the population preparing to flee”

Last modified: February 1, 2011

Picture by Barry Lewis

End of Jan and the Shangri-train is rolling, we’ve done the concept and design development, now working on detail and ploughing through the mountain of pre-production to be done. We’ve had some great news and there are a couple massive new scores that I can tell you about (as opposed to the ones that I can’t tell you about).

We’ve just scored the use of 4 x 35k HD projectors for the video mapping, making a total of a whopping 140,000 lumen being thrown at that wall. Last year we had 72k, you’d have thought that would be enough but no, so big thanks to Darkroom and LM Productions for that – hopefully the videomapping in the Hub will reach its full potential this year.

A big thank-you goes to The Wellcome Trust, who have enabled us to make us exciting new developments this year by commissioning us as part of their season on DIRT to design and build a whole new aspect to Shangri-La….…introducing The Skywalk, Decontamination Chambers and Virus.

As you may know, Shangri-La has a storyline that evolves year by year and willingly or not, you become part of it. In 2009 it was a pleasure city run by a corrupt dictatorship. In 2010 the ruling administration was overthrown and the city was opened up to rebels and chancers who had to fight for resources to carve out their own little piece of paradise.

2011 sees the population preparing to flee before, as they believe, the end of the world in 2012. They’ve given up trying to save the planet, it was all a bit too much like hard work so they’ve colonised somewhere else instead. It’s a new world, apparently much nicer, and only those who make the grade will be allowed to go there. Everything valuable has been shrinkwrapped in preparation for the first transport shipment to the new world (first ship leaves on Monday) and everything else, especially those vile and virus-ridden slums, is being left to rot in its own miasma.

In order to gain your place in the new and much nicer colony, please make your way to the decontamination facility, where the scientists there can determine whether you are in need of physical or moral decontamination. Post-decontamination, you will given your bio-hazard suit and only then will you be granted access to the Skywalk and be able to take the first step up out of the filth, your journey to the new world….

<<Read previous entries in the Shangri-La blog>>

Ticket update for this year’s Festival

Last modified: January 21, 2011

Over the last few weeks, our mailbox has been bursting with questions about tickets for the Festival, so we thought we’d have a bit of a “frequently asked questions” session, to keep you all up to date.
I didn’t get a ticket in October, can I still come to the Festival?
Hopefully, yes! We do expect that some people who secured tickets in the first sale will choose not to pay their balance, and have their deposit refunded. Any returned tickets will be made available in a resale.
When will the resale be?
We don’t know for sure yet, but April is looking likely. As soon as we know, we’ll post full info here and via our newsletter (well in advance of the sale).

I have a ticket, when do I need to pay my balance?
UK ticket balances will be payable in the first week of April 2011 (9am April 1st – 23:59 April 7th). Please note that there will be no option to pay your ticket balance prior to April 1st. International ticket balance payments will be taken from 9am (GMT) February 25th until 23:59 (GMT) 3rd March 2011. Balances will be paid either online at or on the booking line: 0844 412 4635.
How and when can I book a car park ticket, campervan ticket or tipi?
You can book car park tickets, campervan tickets and tipis whilst paying your balance, or any time after you have paid the balance for at least one of the tickets on your order (subject to availability). For more information about campervans and tipis visit the Accommodation page.
Since I booked my deposit I’ve found I can’t come to the Festival, can I get my deposit back?
Yes. Any tickets for which the balance has not been paid will automatically be refunded £40 (a £10 admin fee will be retained) onto the card on which they were booked, within 5 working days of the balance payment period ending. If you already know that you won’t be able to come to the Festival, and would like to get your £40 back before the automatic refund, then please call Seetickets on 0844 412 4626.
My friend can no longer come to the Festival, can I transfer their ticket to someone else?
Sorry, you can’t. Tickets (including deposits) are entirely non-transferable. If one of your party is no longer able to attend the Festival they can obtain a refund of £40 for their deposit (see above); however you cannot reserve that deposit for someone else. Cancelled tickets will be put back on general release in the resale.

I’ve moved house/changed email address, can I update my details?
Yes. If you have paid a deposit for a ticket and have since moved house, have a new email address or need to change your delivery address, please contact Seetickets on 0844 412 4626. Alternatively you can enter a new address when paying your ticket balance. Please note that registration details cannot be edited. If your name (e.g. maiden name) address or email address has changed since you registered, you can choose a different delivery address when you pay your balance, however your ticket will still show your original details.
I’ve seen tickets advertised online, are these legit?
No! Please don’t be tempted to buy tickets from anywhere other than Seetickets. Glastonbury tickets are only available through one agency – – who support our unique Glastonbury registration system, which means we can make sure that all our tickets are sold at face value, to genuine Festival goers. (Some of the campsites local to the Festival are authorised to offer hospitality tickets as part of their accommodation packages. These can all be found here.) If you are in any doubt as to the legitimacy of a company offering tickets, please contact the Festival.
For more ticket information on ticketing, click here for our full 2011 Info page.

Worthy Farm in January

Last modified: January 20, 2011

Our resident photographer, Jason Bryant, was down at the farm taking pictures this week. He’s sent us some more of his amazing before and after shots of the Festival site…

See a bigger version

See a bigger version

Here are some more of Jason’s pictures taken at the site this week…

Emerging Talent Competition – what happens next?

Last modified: January 19, 2011

A big thanks to the all the acts who entered out 2011 EMERGING TALENT COMPETITION, which will give new, unsigned artists from the UK and Ireland the chance to compete for a main stage slot at this year’s Festival.

Now that the one week entry period is over, we’re busy dividing up the entrants to pass on to our judging panel of 40 of the UK’s best music bloggers (see below).

They will each pick their three favourite acts from the entries they listen to, giving us a longlist of 120 acts. The longlist will be published here on the Glastonbury site at the beginning of March. It will also be distributed to all the Glastonbury stage programmers (with listening links and genre details).

The longlist will then be whittled down to a shortlist of just 10 artists by judges including Glastonbury organisers Michael and Emily Eavis. The acts who’ve made it onto the shortlist will be notified on March 15th (with the list also published here).

A live finals at the beginning of April will then decide this year’s ETC winner.

Here is a list of the blogs our 40 blogger judges write for (some of the bigger ones are supplying more than one judge):

4fortyfour –
Cats band crushes –
Bitter Fingers  –
Song by toad –
Illegal Tender –  
faded glamour –
Breaking More waves – 
Dots and dashes –
Pigeon post –
Real horrorshow tunes –
Chemisty is dead –
The music journal –
17 seconds –
Ankia in London – 
battery in your leg –
Crack in the road –  
Devil has the best tuna  –  
Flying with Anna –  
Hotcakes – 
When you awake – 
We write lists – 
This music wins – 
Rich Hughes –
Swear I’m not Paul – 
What’s the ruckus – 
moleskin 90 –
Put me on it –  
Music like Dirt – 
Bass Music –
Fucking Dance –   
Black Plastic –
Wears The Trousers –
For Folk’s Sake –
Music liberation –
Transparent –
Dummy –    

Haiti update from Oxfam

Last modified: January 12, 2011

One year after the devastating earthquake hit Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince, Oxfam is helping 1.2 million people affected by both the earthquake and the recent outbreak of cholera. Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of the public (including via this website), Oxfam’s work in Haiti has been one of the largest programmes in recent years. Across the globe the agency raised £63m ($98m). Supporters in the UK gave approximately £18m.

Oxfam has provided clean drinking water and sanitation facilities for 400,000 people in and around the capital. Each month the agency provides 300 million litres of chlorinated water, the equivalent of 120 Olympic sized swimming pools. The agency has built 2,500 latrines and over 1,000 bathing facilities.

Nearly 42,000 families were assisted with food and helped to earn a living. This included cash grants of between £80 to £160 to re-establish small businesses to over 23,000 families. Some 1,441 plumbers, carpenters and masons were helped with tools and cash.

To help stimulate the local market and provide food, Oxfam also provided 10,000 families with ‘food kits’ made up of locally sourced food. Oxfam also distributed 135 metric tonnes of seeds and 7,000 farm tools to rural areas. And Oxfam helped 94,000 people with emergency shelter, mosquito nets and essential household items.

You can keep up to date with Oxfam’s work in Haiti at

Emerging Talent Competition opens for one week

Last modified: January 10, 2011


We’re very pleased to announce our 2011 EMERGING TALENT COMPETITION, which will give new, unsigned artists from the UK and Ireland the chance to compete for a main stage slot at this year’s Festival. Acts from any musical genre can follow in the footsteps of previous ETC entrants, who include Stornoway, Scouting For Girls, We Have Band, the Golden Silvers, the Subways and last year’s winners Ellen and the Escapades.

For the 2011 competition, acts will be able to enter FOR ONE WEEK ONLY from 9am on Monday, 10th January until 5pm on Monday, 17th January 2011 right here on the official website. Entries for ETC2011 will be FREE. To enter, you will simply need to supply us with a direct link to a web page where we can hear at least one of your songs (MySpace, official site, YouTube, SoundCloud etc).

Once the entries are in, a newly-recruited panel of 40 of the UK’s best music bloggers (see below) will help compile a longlist of 120 acts. The longlist will then be whittled down to a shortlist of 10 artists by judges including Glastonbury organisers Michael and Emily Eavis, before the live finals in April decides the winning act.

Here is a list of the blogs our 40 blogger judges write for (some of the bigger ones are supplying more than one judge):

Cats band crushes –
Bitter Fingers  –
Song by toad –
Illegal Tender –  
faded glamour –
Breaking More waves – 
Dots and dashes –
Pigeon post –
Real horrorshow tunes –
Chemisty is dead –
The music journal –
17 seconds –
Ankia in London – 
battery in your leg –
Crack in the road –  
Devil has the best tuna  –  
Flying with Anna –  
Hotcakes – 
When you awake – 
We write lists – 
This music wins – 
Rich Hughes –
Swear I’m not Paul – 
What’s the ruckus – 
moleskin 90 –
abeano Music –  
Put me on it –  
Music like Dirt – 
Bass Music –
Fucking Dance –   
Black Plastic –
Wears The Trousers –
For Folk’s Sake –
Music liberation –
Transparent –
Dummy –     


Trader applications close on Monday

Last modified: January 5, 2011

Picture by Sarah Snowdon

There are now just a few days left to apply to trade at Glastonbury 2011, with applications now closing on Monday, 10th January. Click here to access the online application form.

The selection process takes place during January, with trading offers being made in the first week in February. All applicants will be informed if they were successful or not.  Payment is due by the end of March.  Any reallocation of stalls which have not been paid for will take place during April and early May.”

For more information on Traders at Glastonbury, please click here.

2011 Emerging Talent Competition announced

Last modified: January 5, 2011

We’re very pleased to announce details of our 2011 EMERGING TALENT COMPETITION, which will give new, unsigned artists from the UK and Ireland the chance to compete for a main stage slot at this year’s Festival. Acts from any musical genre can follow in the footsteps of previous ETC entrants, who include Stornoway, Scouting For Girls, We Have Band, the Golden Silvers, the Subways and last year’s winners Ellen and the Escapades.

For the 2011 competition, acts will be able to enter FOR ONE WEEK ONLY from Monday, 10th January until Monday, 17th January 2011 right here on the official website. Entries for ETC2011 will be FREE. To enter, you will simply need to supply us with a direct link to a web page where we can hear at least one of your songs (MySpace, official site, YouTube, SoundCloud etc).

Once the entries are in, a newly-recruited panel of 40 of the UK’s best music bloggers will help compile a longlist of 120 acts. The longlist will then be whittled down to a shortlist of 10 artists by judges including Glastonbury organisers Michael and Emily Eavis, before the live finals in April decides the winning act.

The entry form will open here on the official site at 9am on Monday, 10th January.