Contact form

We try to answer all your questions here on the official Glastonbury website, but if you would still like to get in touch with us, then please use the contact form below. Please complete all fields in the form below to help us deal with your enquiry more efficiently.

All public ticket sales and registration are managed by the Festival’s nominated ticket agency – See Tickets. The Festival Office does not have access to information about individual bookings or transactions. If you have an enquiry specific to registration or your ticket purchase, please contact See Tickets, via their Customer Services page.

Please do not send ticket or registration enquiries to “Website/Online” (as those go to the folks who look after our website – not Seetickets who look after ticketing)

Information submitted via this form is held by Glastonbury Festival Events Limited under the provision of the General Data Protection Regulation for a maximum of 24 months. We will process your information in accordance with our privacy policy and we will not pass your details on to any other organisation. For more information please click here.

* required