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Calling all poets and spoken word artists!

6th January 2016


CALLING ALL POETS, spoken word artists, raconteurs, stand-up poets and slam champs…

2016 is awaiting your assault on the bastion of beastly wordsmithery in the freakish fields of Worthy…

Lo! We at Poetry&Words are once again opening the floodgates to all you wizardly wonderful poetry fiends. So, if YOU want to perform your work on Glastonbury Festival’s poetry stage, then this is your chance! We’re looking for applications from experienced writers and performers, with something quite excellent to offer the audience of the world’s biggest greenfield arts festival.

If you think that could be you, then please e-mail with a short Bio and 1-3 video and/or audio files of you performing your work, preferably to a live audience. We’d prefer web links, but attachments (of manageable size!) will also be accepted.

We can only view one application per person. Further applications will not be considered, so send us your best stuff first time around! Don’t send Word files of your poems or links to your books. However good they are, it’s the performance element we need to be able to judge as well.

We do pay a fee, but this is only small, and overseas poets in particular should note that we are unable to provide travel expenses. Guest tickets are also beyond our power, but booked poets will receive a ticket for themselves as well as a camping pitch backstage of the Poetry&Words tent.

The deadline for applications is, strictly, 5pm on Friday 4th March 2016.  We regret that we cannot view any applications received after this time, so please make a note of the deadline and make sure you submit as much in advance as possible. Don’t miss your chance!

We hope that you’ll understand that, given the positively elephantine volume of applications we receive every year, we are not physically able to respond to requests for feedback or advice, or to let every applicant know how they’ve done. Successful artists should hear back from us by two months after the deadline.

You can also find us at:

Photo: Anna Freeman by Matt Gillett