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Join the Extinction Procession at Glastonbury 2019

17th June 2019

On the Thursday (June 27) of this year’s Festival, there will be an Extinction Procession, giving you the chance to stand up and demand changes to the way we live as a society, so that we can avoid a climate catastrophe.

The event – which we have organised alongside the Green Fields, Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellionwill begin at 4pm at the Park Stage, where guest speakers will make a stand for our planet and the precious habitats that it hosts.

The procession will then make its way to the Sacred Space (aka the Stone Circle) in the King’s Meadow within the Green Fields, where we plan to create the largest ever human sculpture of an hourglass – symbolising extinction – at 5.30pm.

Said Emily Eavis: “This is a chance for everybody at the Festival who feels passionately about protecting our planet and future generations to be part of a collective moment, before the main stages open up on the Friday. Everyone is invited to join in and listen to some inspiring speakers and send out a message to the world that this is a climate emergency and we need to act now.”

Said Green Fields coordinator Liz Elliot: “We want to get across the message that we’ve not got long before our climate changes irreversibly. Time is incredibly short, but it has not quite run out yet. In fact, it feels like we are at an exciting turning point. Carrying on as we are now – living in this unsustainable way – is simply unacceptable. But if we can all make even small adjustments to the way we live our daily lives, these little ripples together will become powerful waves of change.”