This post is more than 13 years old

Music, debates and poetry at the Tripod Stage

10th June 2011

Bored of meetings, talks, and marches? Bored of being ignored? Then let’s do something!

Come down to the Great Direct Action Space this year and be part of the movement that’s taking back the power from the super-rich and those destroying our planet and society.

Check out the low-power, hight-impact Tripod Stage for revolutionary music, debates, poetry and a low-power cinema screenings.

2011 line-up

The Drop
Atilla the Stockbroker (TBC)
Spliff Richard
Vid Warren
Grace Petrie
Great White Shark
Pete the Temp
The Danny Chivers, Claire Fauset and Merrick triple-headed poetry tag team
Jealous of Girls
Beans on Toast

Join daily workshops on creative resistance to climate change and the cuts, direct action training and festival-wide antics!

Where We Are:
Find us in the Dragon Field – near the Stone Circle | Green Futures | Croissant Neuf – on the border of the Craft Field | next to Shangri La & The Piano Bar

About The Space:
The Great Direct Action Space 2011 will be a playground for direct action possibilities and a runway for social change.

Emerging out of The Camp For Climate Action, a network of active groups – from Climate Rush to UK Uncut and Grow Heathrow will bring you ‘The Web Of Resistance’ – an installation of radical history and a funhouse for revolutionary change.

Follow the fun and the frolics on Twitter: @tripodstage

Get In Touch: