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Worthy FM looking for volunteers

21st December 2012

Worthy FM is Glastonbury Festival’s very own on site radio station. It broadcasts for just 1 week, from the Monday before the festival opens until the following Monday when the festival closes. 

The station is like no other in the world, with a unique audience made from 150,000 festival goers, 20,000 crew and thousands of other people who aren’t attending the festival but are listening online.

The station is staffed entirely by a crew of 30 volunteers. The crew is made up of a wide variety of people, usually with an interest in radio, the festival, or the arts and media, but not necessarily professionally employed in those sectors. Many are people who return each year and have been involved for many years. In addition, each year the station reserves two crew spaces for new broadcast volunteers. These members are selected by a competition process, aiming to bring something new to the station and festival alike. 

How to enter

To enter the competition, you need to record and produce 30 seconds of audio that demonstrates your presenting style. The audio must be in mp3 format, and saved with a filename in the fomat ‘yourfirstname_yourlastname.mp3′. Next, send the mp3 in an email to Your email must contain the following information laid out as follows in the text of your email and NOT as an attachment. 

Full name:
Full postal address:
Email Address:
Contact telephone number:
Explain, in 50 words or fewer, why you want to volunteer for Worthy FM in 2013:

Send this to by 11:59pm on Sunday 6th January 2013. Late entries will not be accepted.

What makes a good entry

First, make sure your audio is no longer than 30 seconds, is in mp3 format and has your name as the filename. Also make sure you provide all of the information requested in the same email as your audio. Entries not meeting these requirements will be automatically rejected. 

The entries will be judged by festival organiser Emily Eavis and BBC Radio 1′s Huw Stephens. They will be looking for people who demonstrate traits that match Worthy FMs style and values; diverse, exciting, creative, innovative, informative and cool under pressure. 

Before applying, please be aware that whilst the competition crew spaces are reserved for presenters, any Worthy FM crew member is expected to carry out a wide range of duties beyond presenting a show. This could include anything from feature gathering to lighting the fire in the crew compound! As a result, it is essential that any new crew member has all round radio skills, including editing, interviewing, news reading and presenting. It is also essential that you are able to be onsite from Sunday the 23rd June until Monday the 1st July 2013 inclusive.

Finally, before you send in your entry, ask yourself if you are ready for this? There are many easier ways to experience the festival! 

Volunteering for Worthy FM will mean hard work for the entire week, sometimes pressured and stressful, and always unpredictable. You will be in extreme conditions unlike any other in radio; there aren’t many other stations that deliver radio that is as entertaining, exciting, creative and innovative, whilst meeting a demanding public service agenda. That would be challenging in any environment, least of all in a muddy or dusty field, where anyone from Michael Eavis to the onsite firecrew to a Saturday night headliner could drop in unannounced.

If you are up for the challenge though, we are waiting to hear from you.