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Last modified: May 30, 2023

Welcome to the History pages, which chart the events at the Festival since it began the day after Jimi Hendrix died, in 1970. To begin your wander down memory lane, select a year from the list on the right… (Image above from 1971, by Peter Ball)


Last modified: June 4, 2024

In many ways, Glastonbury is like loads of different festivals converging on the same gorgeous countryside for the weekend. Each area of the Festival has its own character, its own loyal fans and its own special attractions: so Silver Hayes (formerly the Dance Village) is as distinct from the Green Fields as the Circus & […]


Last modified: May 27, 2024

Click for area line-ups: Acoustic • Field of Avalon • Shangri-la • The Glade • West Holts Silver Hayes • Woodsies • Left Field • The Common • Kidzfield Theatre & Circus • Croissant Neuf • Glasto Latino • The Park • Strummerville • Unfairground • Pilton Palais • Arcadia • Block9 • Carhenge