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2010 website Poet in Residence

Last modified: June 16, 2010

We’re pleased to announce that this year’s website Poet in Residence will be Jo Bell. She’ll be writing poems for the website throughout the Festival, just as Adam Horovitz did last year.

For more information on Jo, and to check out some of her poems, head over to her website.Jo will also perform in the Poetry&Words tent on the Sunday afternoon.

WaterAid’s Don’t Let It Drop campaign

Last modified: June 15, 2010

Musicians at this year’s 40th Glastonbury Festival are rallying behind charity WaterAid’s Don’t Let It Drop campaign to send a message to world leaders ahead of an important UN summit on global poverty this September.

WaterAid is holding world leaders to the promises they made ten years ago when they first came together at the UN to agree the Millennium Development Goals, a set of targets to tackle world poverty by 2015. There are just five years to go and targets in Sub-Saharan Africa for water continue to fall behind, but most shockingly the aim of halving the proportion of the world’s population without adequate sanitation is almost 200 years behind target.

Michael and Emily Eavis said: “We hope everyone at Glastonbury and everyone watching at home signs up to the Don’t let it Drop campaign. Water and sanitation are vital in getting people out of poverty and we all need to put our voice behind this message to world leaders.”

WaterAid will be providing Glastonbury goers with new composting toilets in the King’s Meadow, the famous women’s urinal (the she-pees), as well as handing out water at the WaterAid stand by the Pyramid Stage. The ever popular giant poo and toilet costumes will also be making their annual appearances at the festival.

To sign the Don’t Let It Drop petition, click here.

Site snaps: the poo pit kickabout

Last modified: June 14, 2010

Here are some more of Jason Bryant’s terrific pictures from the site. We begin with three from an unusual crew football match which took place in the Festival’s brand new poo pit – which will cut down lorry loads leaving the site. Between the lagoon (at the farm) and the new pit, all the waste on site can now be held and then sent to sewage treatment plants within a ten mile radius. This will lead to a massive reduction in vehicle movements/distance and thus emissions. But until it’s full of poo, it’s a great place for a kickabout.


DeafZone plans for 2010 Festival

Last modified: June 14, 2010

DeafZone 2010 presents a veritable mix of visual wonder; there are sign language classes for keen hearing punters, plus a team of interpreters for Deaf Festival goers to access the full range of acts that are offered in the Glastonbury experience.

Sign language for hearing punters
If you want to come and learn the basics in British Sign Language then sign up for a class in the sunshine at the DeafZone tent, we are situated near the meeting point in the market area.

How to book a BSL//English Interpreter – before the Festival
If you want to make sure you get an interpreter for what you want then it is best to tell us before the festival starts.

The interpreters are allocated on a first-come first-served basis so get your requests in now for any bands, comedy, theatre or other events that you will want an interpreter for.

For advance bookings please email:

We will send you confirmation of your request and let you know when an interpreter has been allocated. We will also include details of where to meet the interpreter and at what time.

Why not become a member of the Facebook group specifically set-up for Deaf people going to Glastonbury.

How to book a BSL//English Interpreter – during the festival
For information about BSL interpreted events and to make bookings during the festival please make your way to the DeafZone tent, we are situated near the meeting point in the market area.

Please note: All out interpreters are registered and have a clear enhanced disclosure CRB.


Shangri-La Shack winners revealed

Last modified: June 13, 2010

You might remember that, a few months ago, the Shangri-La area launched its Build a Palace from Pallets competition. In a first for festivals, they opened up their field to include the creativity of the public in the creation of the area.

Festival-goers were invited to respond to Shangri-La’s narrative and design brief, and build their own homes on site. The overall theme of the field is about a fight for resources and the Shacks form a crucial part – they are the tiny homes erected by the desperate on the outskirts of the alleys.

Whilst the Shacks are part of the overall visual aesthetic of the field, there is a more serious aspect to the project – this is about a fight for survival when resources become scarce and resourcefulness becomes the name of the game.    

From the beautiful to the profound via downright silly, the weird yet wonderful winning entries are detailed below:

“The reason that these materials have been chosen is to firstly exhibit how found materials can be recycled for use in building; the ability to use recycled materials is fundamental to sustainable development. Secondly, the water bottles are used to highlight a socio-political issue: the global shortages of water. Two thirds of the bottles in the structure will be full of water and the other one third will be left empty to symbolise the 1/3 of the world’s population that suffers from a shortage of drinking water.”

“Afuture hybrid religion has emerged amongst the struggle for survival in Shangri-La. After a huge hoard of ancient VHS tapes was discovered by miners on the outskirts of the city a new form of worship began to take hold in the city. Followers of this new religion worship the characters and monsters depicted on the covers of the VHS boxes. They believe them to be prophets and saints from time’s past; a lost religion now reborn!”

  “What would happen if superman was still around?

 What if he worked with our governments to help towards a better future? IN THE SUPERSHACK HE DOES!”


“Continuing directly on from the events of Shangri-La in 2009, the shack imagines that during the Utopian fantasy that followed the revolt, flashy boutiques flourished, popping up in sheds and ramshackle structures. ‘Channel your Aggression’ is a shop that has been taken over by a revolution, the couture turning into rebel armour, a costume of reclaimed evening wear covered in slogans of playful aggression. getting ready to fight for what you believe in, to fight for what is right, and to do it with style and conviction.”


The Seed Bank is a concept that will show how we have escaped the corporation strangle-hold and live by means of exchange tolerance and help. Where fellow man will be provided with provisions exchanged with other provisions and resources required for day to day living. For example:

You can swap your unwanted TV remote for some fresh water and tomato plant seeds.  The TV will be obsolete so now only collected for parts and scrap, and in return given valuable and ever so rare tomato plants and clean water. A utopia where we are trusted to be humble, honourable and giving.

The vegetable corner shop of the future, combining a retro shopping experience with futuristic sentient vegetables.  Due to nuclear and chemical pollution the vegetables have mutated and grocery shopping is now a disturbing experience.  The horned shopkeeper, vegetable limbs hidden beneath his grubby apron, glares at you with glowing eyes as you enter, but stays put in his corner. On display, hideous dystopian creations nestle next to militant fruit of the lower ranks: some scramble for freedom, but their glowing bodies offer no camouflage.  Soylent greens jostle for space with jaundiced carrots, while silent spring onions glare mutely at you.  These fruit all have eyes, and teeth, and some are armed – and they’re watching you…

Words speak louder than actions. Through governmental influence, generations have conspired against themselves to disintegrate the former international language of English. Studies dating back to 2010 have shown that talking to your plants really does promote healthy and natural growth. In our current toxic climate most plants have to be kept alive in incubators.   At the Word Reclamation Centre for Plants and People we collect the CO2 which you breathe out whilst you are talking to the plants. Across decades words have been hijacked by advertising and political campaigns, often dissolving into meaningless sounds that people no longer recognised as ‘true words’. At the Word Reclamation Centre for Plants and People we encourage our visitors to come and talk to the last organic plant specimens on Earth.


After the death of the corrupt regime, freedom has come to Shangri-La! Resources are scarce, but citizens are finally able to express themselves without fear of reprisals. As a home for free speech and citizen journalism, the Citizen Expression Shack will encourage the people to produce a record of their experiences and thoughts.  By providing a range of free media direct to the people, citizens will be able to forge a new identity. Using recycled materials, people will literately be able to build a house dedicated to recording issues and happenings, and their ideas and hopes for the future.

Made from multi coloured wool wrapped around a foundation to cover the walls, floor, ceiling, windows and furniture; Empty Promise is a house made of the imagination, barely real enough to stand in, but at night, so brilliantly illuminated its impossible to ignore.


Slumton’s is Shangri-La’s Number 1 Estate Agency.  With thousands of slums for sale and to let worldwide, we give you a unique insight into the ever changing slums market. Our café-style offices have revolutionised the selling of slums, making the dream of slum living accessible to all.  The eye-catching design of our offices was created to provide a better service and a more one to one experience. Enjoy some delicious (almost clear) muddy water from the local spring whilst perusing the best selection of with and without running sewage slums – available to suit all budgets. Whether you fancy the streets of Rio or if you have aspirations for Mumbai’s Dharavi (very popular after the recent TV coverage!) – we are sure to have the perfect place for you and your family. From our distinctive colour scheme to the welcoming figure of our founder adorning the roof, Slumton’s cannot be missed on the streets of Shangri-La. So why not come down to see us for our special 40th Anniversary celebration – we’ll have some very special slums on offer as well as some lively entertainment and music on in the area.  We look forward to seeing you there!


Our design concept has worked from a shell form, through utopian fantasy fairytale castles and finally coming around to tents. Concepts include shelter, sanctuary, taking your home with you, recycling and re-imagining utopian castle forms. References to fields of tents, both within the festival setting and also refugee camps. Mass migration and the need to create shelter relates to the dystopian concepts outlined in the brief.

It will appear to be just an unassuming police box from the front but inside it will be twice the width and depth (much like the Tardis in Dr Who!).The Tardis was built using tens of thousands of lego bricks. Lego was used as a building material as it’s reusable, recyclable, strong and does not biodegrade, so will last forever!

Unable to let go of the past, compelled to collect anything that might be ‘Useful’ for fear of what the future holds the re claimers domain resembles an Aladdin’s cave of artefacts and materials. Light shimmers through the haphazard windows, coloured by the collaged plastic panes, and collections of all manner of objects hang from the walls carefully organized in groups based on material, size and countless other hierarchies.  Inside the house time stands still, underlined by the lifeless clocks hanging from the wall. The house of the re claimer is like a bank of memories, a palace of past possessions in which people can marvel at the many objects, and ponder the stories that they may have once been part of.  The house of the re claimer becomes a church of forgotten belongings offering wonderment and ambition to each who grace its walls. The re claimer sees value where others don’t.


In a dark corner of Shangri-La rests a battered old man whose tormented mind only animates his broken limbs into action when an invention, so contradictory it borders on genius…. Inside, his walls are strewn with paraphernalia of a by-gone era; books, road signs and maps of places that may no longer exist. It is filled with objects and furniture built from technologies from the old world in new and contradictory ways. Although now there is no sign of the broken minded cretin, his television makes the room flicker with the glowing suggestion that he left in a hurry and his drawings imply he was planning for an event worse than his demented mental nightmares. Oh! and by the way, if you see the fused out old crank be sure to find out what he knows…


Every dystopian future-city needs good transport links and with the world’s oil supply finally running out, options are in short supply. The government of the time, with their last throw of the dice, decided to extend the underground network across the country, all the way to Shangri-La. Though typically for Shangri-La, what you’ll find isn’t exactly at any normal train station, with a toothy tunnel entrance threatening to swallow those brave enough to travel. During the festival, the station will be closed due to planned industrial action and all those who cross the picket lines are at risk of being labelled a scab. You have been warned! [NOTE this entry was from a TFL Underground Worker]

The manufacture, use and disposal of tyres contribute to environmental damage in a huge way. The UK produces enough waste tyres each year to stretch from London to Sydney. They take thousands of years to decompose and they give off toxic fumes when burnt. Some tyres can be re-moulded for use again but after this they too become obsolete.  Used tyres are increasingly being recycled into products like flooring, road surfacing, play areas, aggregates and footwear. They can be used in construction, as a supplementary fuel, or even reprocessed into rubber granulate for use in turf.  Finding a use for waste after its intended purpose and supporting initiatives that do is a way in which we can help the environment. Blow Out will show how versatile and easy they are to use.


This proposal playfully addresses the issues of inequality- the basic gamble of birth (where when and who one is born to) that strongly influences if not determines the course of one’s life. Just as one cannot choose which circumstance in which country and at what time one is born, one does not know what lies beyond the two identical doors facing the alley. The writing on the wall asks that you choose one door. You go in and find yourself in one of two possible scenarios:

1. You are in a cramped space built of scraps of salvaged materials, a dirty futon by your feet and a small pile of well worn clothing. You’re poor. You sit on the bare timber floor planks and stare through the bars that separate your space from the space next door.
2. You are surrounded by luxury. The cosy space is wall-papered, carpeted and comfortably lit by an exquisite table lamp. You’re rich. You sit in the antique armchair and look at the person on the other side of the bars. This split-personality space is intended to entertain and encourage interaction between visitors, perhaps even role playing possible scenarios thus turning the spaces into stage sets, separated yet forced to face each other

This Shack reclaims neglected washing up gloves that have been made redundant as a result of the dishwasher. Picture 16In contrast, the figure on top is made of readily available vegetable fibres, reflecting the natural fibres used more frequently in construction by our ancestors and a return to tradition. The distressed hessian figure will be exposed to the elements- bleached by the sun, or sodden by the rain, it will become vulnerable to its surroundings. The changing figure will be documented daily, as will the interaction from the audience. The audience will be invited to enter the structure through the legs of the figure.

Ecover sponsors WaterAid She-Pees

Last modified: June 13, 2010

At this year’s Festival, the WaterAid She-Pees (clever little devices which allow females to have a wee without sitting down) will be sponsored by Ecover, makers of environmentally friendly, safe and biodegradable cleaning products. Ecover are also supplying ecological hand soap and shower gel to Greenpeace for their Solar Showers.

To celebrate their partnership with Glastonbury, Ecover are giving three people the chance to win an entire year’s supply of Ecover, plus loads of runners-up prizes to be had. To enter this competition please click here.

Line-up times revealed for smaller stages

Last modified: June 11, 2010

Here’s something to get your teeth into over the weekend – we’ve just launched a new Line-up Times page, with full set times info for 34 of the Festival’s smaller stages.

Click here to check it out.

We decided to give you this info before the 10 main stages (Pyramid Stage, Other Stage, The Park Stage, John Peel Stage, West Holts, West Dance, East Dance, Acoustic, Glade and Avalon Stage) because we thought it’d be a good way to shine a light on some of the amazing stuff that happens out and about around the site. The main stage timings will be announced soon.

Please note, the “Start date” field on the line-up times page shows the day a set will strictly start – so, if it’s just after midnight on Sunday night, it will be down as Monday on the page.  And please be aware that any stages running on the Wednesday of the Festival will be acoustic only.

Also, as ever, these times/bills are all subject to change (and, realistically, some of them definitely will).

Here’s the full list of stages we’re giving you times for:

  • Croissant Neuf
  • Tadpole/green futures
  • Small World Stage
  • Mandala Stage
  • Speakers Forum
  • Avalon Café
  • Experimental Soundfield Dance
  • Glade Lounge
  • NYC Downlow / Block9
  • NYC Downlow / Outdoor stage
  • London Underground / Block9
  • Arcadia
  • Lunar Sea Lounge
  • Igloo (The Common)
  • Bez’s Acid House (Unfair Ground)
  • Bassline Circus
  • Wow!
  • Pussy Parlure
  • Cube Henge
  • BBC Introducing
  • Magic Bubbles
  • Club Dada
  • Hub Stage
  • Cocktails & Dreams
  • Sustrans Change Your World Disco
  • Bourbon Street
  • Queens Head
  • Poetry&Words, Bella’s Field
  • Stonebridge Bar/The Park
  • Free University of Glastonbury/The Park
  • The Bandstand
  • Pilton Palais (Cinema)
  • The Rabbit Hole

Here at website HQ, we’re particularly excited by Bez’s Acid House…

Kidzfield: “We’re looking forward to our best year ever!”

Last modified: June 10, 2010

We caught up with Kidzfield organiser Tony Cordy to find out what the plans are for the children’s area at this year’s Festival.

Hello Tony, how are things shaping up for the Kidzfield in 2010?
We’re looking forward to our best year ever! We’re opening a day early, on the Thursday, for the first time this year and we’ve got some great new acts and facilities.

Have you got any new additions to the field for this year?
We have our regular TV legends Bodger & Badger and we’re pleased to have attracted a number of other children’s TV stars. We’ve got CBeebiesAndy Day with his comedy crew and Kirsten O’Brien will be premiering her live, interactive SMart Art Show in our BigTop. We’ve also got a fantastic mobile recording studio, courtesy of RePlay and Access to Music. Over the last few years we’ve given away hundreds of musical instruments and as well as doing that again this year we’re letting the kids record themselves in a fully equipped state of the art studio. We’ve had kids from the field that now play on stages across the site and we want to produce the future stars of the Pyramid stage.

How did you come to be opening a day earlier this year?
It’s the 40th anniversary of the Festival and we want to bring as much of the Kidzfield magic to the festival folk as we can. Kids under 12 come to Glastonbury for free and everything in the Kidzfield is free so we’re the last traditional Free Festival left standing.

For anyone wondering whether to bring their kids to Glastonbury, what would you say?
Glastonbury is a fantastic, magical, memorable experience. 40 years after we began we’re still sending out Peace & Love and living with the values of openness and acceptance, willingness to experience things and share our lives with the myriad people of the World. We aim to create an organic wonderland in the Kidzfield, there are hundreds of things to do but children must be accompanied at all times, so the parents get to share the experience. That’s really rewarding and adds to the good vibes in our area. Kids come to us and go from the Big Top to the Make and Do, climb on the castle, learn a Circus skill, listen to a story, bang on a drum, climb the rock wall, watch a puppet show and ride on a fairground ride. Then they leave with a painted face, holding something they’ve created with a broad smile and memories to last a lifetime.

Are there any acts performing in the field that you’re particularly excited about?
I’m excited by all our acts, obviously. Some special acts we have this year are ‘Zu Aerial Dance’ – an aerial acrobatics show with workshops for the kids. Rainbow Theatre are doing a production of Shakespeares The Tempest with kids from the audience and, of course Bodger & Badger’s show will be a total mash-up! We’ve got pirates, aliens, BMXer’s, Magicians, Clowns, Drum Bands and mimes and I mustn’t forget Professor Pumperninkle and his Mad Science Show. This is the best year ever to have a happy childhood!

For more info on the Kidzfield, check out

Site snaps: cranes, bins and flowers

Last modified: June 10, 2010

Here’s another batch of Jason Bryant’s wonderful pictures from down on the site over the last few days – beginning with some shots showing the Arcadia stage being, well, erected.

BBC Introducing Line-up Announced

Last modified: June 9, 2010

BBC 6 Music DJ Steve Lamacq and Radio 1 DJ Huw Stephens today revealed the line up for the BBC Introducing stage at Glastonbury 2010.  The BBC Introducing Stage showcases 31 under the radar artists from around the UK. It is the fourth time that BBC Introducing has been at the Festival, with the stage finding a new home in the Dance Village this year.

Here’s the line-up:

Kid Adrift
Ms Darks
(Da Mighty Elementz) DME
The Federals
Out Like A Lion
P Money
Napoleon In Rags
Jesca Hoop
Yr Ods

Roll Deep plus Guests
Pulled Aprt by Horses
May 68
Celt Islam
New Islands
Lanterns on the Lake
Lady Leshurr
Dog Is Dead
Fellow Stranger
Two in a Boat
Louis Elliot & The Embers 

Chew Lips
Dark Horses
Man Without Country
Seven Summits
Dry The River
Broadcast 2000
Patch William
End of Level Baddie
John E Vistic Experience
The Theory of Six Degrees 

For more info on the acts, head over to the BBC Introducing website’s Glastonbury page.

BBC Introducing has also made a MySpace playlist featuring a song from all of the bands, which you can listen to here.