All posts by admin_user

The Who set time change

Last modified: June 28, 2015

Please note that The Who’s Pyramid Stage start time tonight has been brought forward by 30 minutes, to 9.15pm.

The Dalai Lama to speak in King’s Meadow on Sunday morning

Last modified: June 28, 2015


We’re very excited to confirm that His Holiness the Dalai Lama will visit Glastonbury on Sunday 28 June. The Tibetan spiritual leader is coming as a guest of the Festival as part of a four day UK visit. The key themes throughout the visit will be the promotion of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s message of compassion, non-violence and the oneness of humanity.

Emily Eavis said: “We’re honoured to welcome the Dalai Lama to Glastonbury 2015. He will be talking in the Green Fields and exploring the farm this Sunday as part of his trip to the UK. What a special moment for the Festival!”

Chonpel Tsering (Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) said, “This upcoming visit by His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be particularly notable as it takes place just a week before His Holiness turns 80 on 6 July 2015. The visit will offer all those attending the events, and beyond, an opportunity to hear the message of compassion, hope, dialogue and tolerance of this widely respected spiritual and moral authority.”

For further information on His Holiness the Dalai Lama, see:

Trader Tales 2015

Last modified: June 29, 2015

Husband and wife team, Chris and Andrea first conceived Chapati Man after taking their curry-filled wraps to work. Back trading at Glastonbury for their ninth year, they’ll once again be sharing their authentic curry recipies – still made by Chris’ mother, Martha – with the fun-loving masses. Check out their website here.

Sunday. Chapati Man sells out!


We sold out of booming chapatis by 9pm! Many booming thanks to all of our customers – ‎we love you all! Your support is truly appreciated.

The CM team then went to see the Chemical Brothers – wow, what a quality set! Have seen them plenty of times before but they just keep better and better.

Finally just to say it’s been a privilege writing this blog. Chapati Man can’t wait to come back next year – Chapati Man boomers! Everyone have a safe trip back.

Saturday. The Maccabees boom Glasto!

Another busy day for the Chapati Man team. Our chicken saag and masala chicken were absolutely flying out! Completely sold out on both of these fillings!

Chairman Chapati, Lady Chapati, Baby Chapati, Godfather ‎Mackay and Hanky Panky Hangster made it out for The Maccabees – they boom out Marks to Prove It and Pelican and the crowd go wild! Jamie T performing with them was awesome! The CM team giving it large – some booming dance moves!!!

We shut up shop at 2.30am. Starting to feel the pace now but with only a day to go you just have to push on through. All booming fun at the end of the day!

Friday. Party Boom on the unit!


Another booming day for the CM team! The rain came but the spirits (!!!) were high! The Chairman and Godfather Mackay went to see the The Charlatans secret gig. It was heaving down on The Other Stage. It’s about the 20th time the Chairman has seen them, as they are booming quality – Spronson Green to finish the set sends shivers down your spine!

As it got late, George the Horse and booming mates came to the unit (along with Mexican George and Matthew from door – booming folk!). Depeche Mode’s Enjoy The Silence kept booming out. We were dancing for hours – what a track! Chairman Chapati was playing it again and again…

The team are feeling the pace now, but we will stay loyal to the end!

See you tomorrow CM boomers!

Thursday: Chicken Saag boom!


Another booming day for team Chapati Man! The sun boomed down, the chapatis were booming out, the CM team were flat out and the chilli challenge was legendary!

The famous George the Horse came by and said hello – we fed him accordingly!!! We love the horsey crew – true Glasto friends and legends!!!

Our award winning Chicken Saag was flying out, closely followed by our booming masala chicken!

Can’t believe we have bee‎n here for almost five days – time flies when you are booming the chapatis!

Take care and see you tomorrow! Time for a rum…..!

Wednesday. The chapatis have started booming out!

The Chapati day started steady eddy – the team was fresh and feeling ready to boom! Punters started strolling in – looking tired but all looking ready for the Glasto boom!


With prepping all done, curries were being heated and we were all ready to boom by 10am. Our award-winning Chicken Saag was looking delicious ‎and Captain Dogeye’s freshly chopped green chillies were looking hot!

The weather was perfect – sunny, warm and boom! The first beer kicked-off at midday and the rum soon followed – nice bit of lime added too! Come 5pm trade started to really kicking off. The team shifts rotate but Chairman Chapati stays on – he loves the 18 hour shifts! We traded until 4.30 am – chairman and his trusted side-kick, Godfather Mackay – and the chapatis kept on booming out!

Special thanks to my son, Baby Chapati, aka Cassius. Sterling work on the till at five years of age, charging 50 quid a wrap. Clearly, I have trained him well! Boom!

Bring on Thursday…..and the rum!


Tuesday. Tomato Boom Time!

The Chapati Man team awoke to booming blue and sunny skies – what great weather to start the vast amount of prepping my team had to carry out.


The team started the day by chopping an estimated 750 tomatoes (bear in mind this is all manual labour – no fancy machinery here!). That was swiftly followed with the dicing of 500 cucumbers! Poor old Captain Dogeye is still in the process of blending the booming hot Kenyan chillies. He reckons he had to get through 6000 of these little bad boys – perfect for the Chapati Man chilli challenge! Last year we had a loyal customer who wanted more and more chillies in his chapati – we of course obliged but failed to see him for a few good days after!

Prepping was complete by 7pm – a hard day of graft but all worthwhile! The team were awarded with a few glasses of bubbly to say cheers to their hard work and to toast the fun and games to come.


We finished the night with a stroll down to the Pyramid stage. It was great just standing there, looking up whilst it was still quiet. Memories came flooding back from the once-in-the-lifetime gigs by Blur in 2009 and The Verve in 2008  – Chairman Chapati was backstage for this epic set and will never forget it!

See you tomorrow Chapati Man boomers!

Monday. Here we go!

Our Chapati Man team check-out of a grey and miserable North London at 5am. Our’s is a true family affair and my team consists of my wife Andrea, aka Lady Chapati, our five year-old son, Cassius, aka Baby Chapati – already a Glastonbury veteran, this being his fourth Glasto – Godfather Mackay, Nephew Joseph (aka Dave Grohl), Captain Dogeye (he can roll chapatis with his eyes closed), Muscle Man Farouk and the Hanky Panky Hangster! It’s a booming team and I can sense everyone’s excitement even this early in morning!


It’s an easy journey in but rains all the way. Its our ninth time trading at this beautiful festival but me, Lady Chapati and Godfather Mackay partied here as punters the previous nine years, so these fields are a spiritual home of sorts. Then we reach the gates; the rain stops, the sun comes out and blue skies mark our entrance – booming stuff. Let the work commence!

We begin by greeting our booming neighbours – Mexican George, the lovely folk on the Charity bus and the 24-hour charity cafe. We have known these boomers for years and all get on boomingly well! Love thy neighbour!

Then it’s down to the grafting. Setting the Chapati Man unit, pitching our array of tents and awnings, setting up the electrics and organising our fridge unit. We’re all done and dusted by 5pm so it’s time to settle down for a BBQ cooked by Captain Dogeye, a few deserved beers and shots of sambookas! A stroll up to the Stone Circle finishes off our night – it’s booming to be back!



Last modified: June 26, 2015

– The Charlatans will open The Other Stage this morning (Friday) at 11am as Special Guests

– Revised Friday Pyramid Stage set times have been added to the line-up page on our website and app

– Charlotte Church will host Pussy Riot In Conversation on The Park Stage at 12noon

– Azealia Banks has had to pull out of her Saturday Other Stage performance. She will be replaced by The Strypes

Tuesday in pictures

Last modified: June 24, 2015

Check out our photos from Worthy Farm taken the day before Glastonbury 2015 gates opened – when finishing touches were being made and final rehearsals took place.

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Jason Bryant

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais

Photo: Charles Gervais













New Food For A Fiver deals at Glastonbury 2015

Last modified: June 23, 2015

fiverGlastonbury Festival has over 500 food traders on site offering an array of exciting eats for festival goers and crews. The choices are endless with a variety of delicious, world cuisine available across the site. Whether you fancy eating Vietnamese, Italian, Indian, Caribbean, Turkish, or go looking for pies, burgers or a good old fashioned bacon sandwich, there is loads to choose from. There are also a large number of vegetarian and vegan stalls and specific dietary requirements can be catered for by a number of traders.

Affordable food is very important to us and this year, the Festival have introduced a new scheme to go easy on the pocket, called ‘Food For A Fiver’, with over 300 traders taking part. £5 options could include a breakfast roll and a drink, a £5 main course or maybe a meal deal of two coffee and two cakes. Participating traders will display a Food for a Fiver sticker and information on their menu board.

2015 is the ninth year of the Festival’s Green Traders Award & this year we will be awarding a People’s Choice Award to reward the trader you think is extra special. Look out for the voting call on our Twitter.

The Beat Hotel is back at Worthy Farm

Last modified: June 23, 2015


Shining in the Markets like a bacon-loaded beacon, The Beat Hotel returns yet again to feed bellies and souls with piles of pancakes, glorious cocktails and some fragrant tunes. Sandwiched between the Pyramid and the John Peel, The Beat Hotel is open from 8am-3am, serving sunny tunes all day alongside their finger-licking fare.

Manning the decks is resident star beat-meister, Seth Troxler. Hailing from Michigan, the award-winning DJ will be on-hand gracing the decks with the finest selection of disco, house and techno. Check-out them out here.

Listen live to Worthy FM now

Last modified: June 22, 2015

Worthy FM is the Festival’s on-site radio station, which has been broadcasting during the event since 2005.

The station broadcasts live across the site from lunchtime today until next Monday when the Festival closes. If you’re on site or travelling to the Festival, you can listen on 87.7FM. You can also listen online from around the world at

Site snaps: Summer solstice sunrise

Last modified: June 21, 2015

As well as having a tongue twister for a title, today’s batch of photos by Jason Bryant show the gathering in the King’s Meadow’s Sacred Space to greet the rising of the sun on the summer solstice.

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