Oxfam at Glastonbury

And all of a sudden, it was over! 

What an incredible festival it was – here at Oxfam, it’s all been a bit of a blur! Thank you to everybody who gave their time, energy and joy to help us dance our way through another memorable Festival. 

It was a brilliant few days for us and we’d like to thank our thousands of wonderful volunteers who made it all possible. 

Richard Roberts Bruce Hildred Julia Thornton Linda Nixon Stuart Nixon Charles Ramsey Smith Katy with new Oxfam Banner in the Oxfield Glastonbury 2024.

You dressed yourselves in style in our shops, helping us raise £162,000!

Ffion McGuire, Festival and Events Assistant at the Oxfam Park Shop, Glastonbury 2024.

Our brilliant stewards welcomed you to the gates in Oxfam style and working with the fantastic Glastonbury Festival Team, helped keep you safe.

Brandi Morris, Steward portrait at Pedestrian Gate B Glastonbury 2024.

And we even managed to momentarily tempt you away from the music, to take action. 

Thousands of you came to our hub of climate craft-ivism in the Woodsies space, adding your voices to and standing in solidarity with the millions who are most affected – yet least responsible – for the climate crisis.

Festival goers add messages to the loom, Oxfam Area Woodsies Glastonbury 2024.

Together, across a magical few days, of music, peace, and activism we painted the picture for a brighter, fairer, more equal world. Now we must make it a reality. 

Paint By Numbers finished in the Oxfam Area Woodsies Glastonbury 2024.

Bring on 2025 – we can’t wait to keep the movement growing!