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Photos from yesterday’s 2022 Glastonbury Abbey Extravaganza

Last modified: August 8, 2022

Here our photos from yesterday’s 2022 Glastonbury Abbey Extravaganza which featured wonderful, sun-soaked performances from the Black Dyke Band, Seasick Steve and Paloma Faith. Big thanks to everyone who came to the Abbey and made it such an enjoyable day!

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Andrew Allcock

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Rick Mav

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy

Photo: Matt Cardy


Last modified: June 28, 2022

– PLEASE take all your belongings home with you.

– To avoid queues, the best time to leave is between 10pm this evening and 7am on Monday morning.

– Have food, drink and supplies for your journey (there will be traders open tomorrow morning).

– Do NOT drive under the influence.

– From 8am until 5pm on Monday there are likely to be queues as our stewards work hard to help all the cars which arrived over three days to leave in one day.

– None of the staff can go home until you have so please be calm, respectful and understanding.

– Get Travel Updates from Worthy FM on DAB and 87.7FM and from the @glastoinfo and Twitter account.

– Travel safely. If you’re tired on your journey home, stop and take a break.

Portrait of Michael Eavis by Sir Peter Blake is unveiled

Last modified: June 26, 2022

Yesterday at the Festival, Sir Peter Blake’s new portrait of Michael Eavis was unveiled by Jarvis Cocker (on Blake’s 90th birthday). The portrait will be displayed at the National Portrait Gallery when it reopens in 2023.

Latest update on getting to Glastonbury Festival

Last modified: June 21, 2022

Industrial action is due to affect train services on June 21, 23 and 25. GWR say they plan to maintain timetabled trains between Castle Cary and London Paddington throughout the course of the Glastonbury Festival, but services may be subject to alteration and other parts of the rail network may be more affected.

Because of this week’s strikes, we anticipate that there may be additional traffic heading to the Glastonbury Festival site.

You can click here to read our Getting Here section, which features info on bus/coach, bike, shuttle buses, drop-off points and car share.

We would advise drivers of the following:

  • As usual, car parks will open on Tuesday, allowing Festival-goers to arrive throughout the evening, when traffic volumes are low. This year, drivers can arrive from 4pm.
  • Please note that there will be no entertainment or facilities (other than toilets) in the car parks and Festival-goers will be expected to remain in their cars until the Festival gates open at 8am on Wednesday morning.
  • If you plan to get here early, please make sure you eat before you arrive and bring any food supplies that you may need to keep you going until you are inside the Festival. Make sure that you bring a reusable bottle of water to help keep you cool and hydrated.
  • The quietest times to arrive by car are between 7pm on Tuesday evening and 2am on Wednesday morning. It is also likely to be cooler after 7pm.
  • The busiest times to arrive are from 2am to 12noon on Wednesday.
  • Traffic is likely to be flowing more freely after 5pm on Wednesday. Those choosing to arrive on Wednesday evening or on Thursday / Friday are likely to experience less traffic, and there will still be camping space available (stewards at the gates can advise where).

Worthy Farm Reserve Cheddar toasties at this year’s Festival

Last modified: June 18, 2022

Ever since packs of Worthy Farm Reserve Cheddar first hit Co-op shelves in 2021, its mature, rounded & creamy flavour has made it a firm favourite with cheese lovers around the UK. So we’re very pleased to report that Worthy Farm Reserve Cheddar toasties will be available at this year’s Festival, in our toastie kitchen on Big Ground (up towards the farm near Worthy FM’s HQ).

Michael has overseen the cheese since its creation, working closely with the team at Somerset family cheesemakers, Wyke Farms who collect the milk from the Worthy Farm herd and carefully craft it into cheddar using their award-winning recipe.

You can also now enjoy a taste of Worthy Farm from the comfort of your own home by picking up a deliciously indulgent Irresistible Worthy Farm Reserve Cheddar Bake from Co-op nationwide. The Bake follows the 2021 launch of our Worthy Farm Reserve Cheddar Block and the Co-op Worthy Farm Cheddar & Pickle Sandwich.

Avon & Somerset police at Glastonbury

Last modified: June 18, 2022

The Festival’s local police force, Avon & Somerset Police, will once again be at this year’s Festival, helping us to ensure that it’s a safe event for everyone.

You can read lots of useful advice and information from them over on the newly-updated Police pages of this website now. And check out their safety tips below.


As in previous years, we’ve worked closely with Festival organisers and the local authority to prepare for the event and we’ll once again be carrying out a neighbourhood-style policing operation to ensure it is safe for everyone attending and those who live nearby.

This will involve regular visible patrols of the site by uniformed officers, officers on horseback and officers on bicycles. Festival-goers are encouraged to approach all our officers – they will be happy to stop and have a chat and will, once again, be giving out thousands of our mobile phone pouches. They will also be providing advice, support and information on our @policeatglasto Twitter and Instagram accounts in the run up to, during and after the Festival. Ahead of this year’s event, we want those attending to be familiar with the following safety advice

  • Arrive early for extra security measures. This will help prevent delays getting in.
  • Be patient with security checks and don’t give security, staff or stewards a hard time. It might seem inconvenient, but these measures are in place to help you.
  • It is essential you don’t bring unnecessary items to the event. A suggested packing list can be found on Glastonbury Festival’s website along with a list of prohibited items, such as lasers, fireworks and drones. Packing light will also help to speed up searches and your entry to the event.
  • If at any point you believe your own or someone else’s drink has been tampered with, alert security or a police officer and seek medical advice either by calling the NHS’ non-emergency number 111 or by visiting one of the on-site medical facilities. Adding a substance to someone’s drink without their knowledge or permission is a serious offence and could result in serious harm if the person suffers an adverse reaction.
  • If you spot someone acting suspiciously, report it to a police officer or to a member of security staff immediately. Don’t leave it to someone else.
  • If you see something on social media that concerns you, report it.
  • In an emergency, always call 999 and look around you for help from staff – especially those with radios who can raise the alarm quickly.
  • Don’t leave bags unattended or anywhere they could cause a security scare. And never agree to look after anyone else’s bags, no matter how genuine they seem.
  • If there is an incident, listen to staff and any announcements. Festival organisers have emergency plans to help you keep safe.
  • Remember, the chance of being caught in a terrorism incident is small. But if it happens – Run, Hide, Tell.

To enhance security, we will also be carrying out Project Servator deployments in and around the festival site.

There is no intelligence to indicate an increased threat to Glastonbury 2022 or any other festival or music event taking place this summer. However, as we did during the last Festival in 2019, we will again be supporting Counter Terrorism Policing’s #BeSafeBeSound campaign on Twitter and Instagram.

If a crime is in progress or there is a threat of immediate danger people should call 999. To report non emergencies they can call us using one of the on-site phones located at the police compound, calling 101 or report online using our dedicated report crime at Glastonbury form.

Policing of the event does not start and stop on the Festival site.

We, along with the local council and the festival, will have representatives at Pilton Village Hall throughout the event for local people to speak to should they have any concerns or worries.

With more than 200,000 people at the event each day, we do not underestimate the impact the festival might have on the local community and so officers and security staff will be patrolling on all of the routes to the site to ensure festival-goers have a safe trip and that local residents are disturbed as little as possible.

More information and advice on travelling to and from the event, personal property and how we police drugs at the Festival can be found on the dedicated Glastonbury Festival page of our website.

Please don’t bring a gazebo with you

Last modified: June 16, 2022

Please don’t bring gazebos to Glastonbury 2022. They take up valuable tent space and often get left behind. If any do appear people may be politely asked to take them down to free up space for others.

We’d also ask that you don’t put tape around your tent enclosures, please. It makes it harder for others to get to their tents, can cause a hazard and creates unnecessary waste.

Thank you.

Bruce Kent (1929 – 2022)

Last modified: June 15, 2022

I was so saddened to hear of the death of my dear friend Bruce Kent. I met him first in 1981 when I presented him with the profit of that festival of £20,000. I had to persuade him that he should accept it and that we were reasonable, but “slightly crazy” people who supported CND wholeheartedly. He did, and from then on was always grateful for our support. He came to speak from the Pyramid Stage several times and inspired us all with his passionate oratory. He was the driving force of the campaign for nuclear disarmament and cannot be replaced. We will miss him forever.

Michael Eavis

Memorial Lotus burn in The Park at this year’s Festival

Last modified: June 17, 2022

Join us in The Park for a memorial burn on the Sunday night of this year’s Festival. The Burning Lotus has been created by Joe Rush and his team. It’s a 40ft high sculpture of a Lotus flower, constructed with salvaged wood and canvas in The Park.

During the Festival, people will be encouraged to write down memories and images of people or situations that they wish to let go of, it may be people who died in the lockdown who were not properly said goodbye to, it may be failed business projects, may even be failed marriages, but the point is that all of these things will be focused on and then placed inside the Lotus.

At midnight on Sunday of the Festival the Lotus will be ignited and while the flames roar up, the whole gear-driven inferno will be burnt to nothing and with this we will be able to let go and get some closure. A cathartic moment and one that many of us need.


Love the farm and join our Worthy Warriors

Last modified: May 31, 2022

Worthy Warriors are Glastonbury ticketholders who are a key part of the Festival’s sustainability team and are crucial to helping us uphold our promise to look after the land which the Festival calls home. These friendly folk engage with other Festival-goers – in campsites and across the Festival – and inspire those around them to support the promises of the Green Pledge; to respect the Festival’s fields and waterways, and to leave no trace.

What do Worthy Warriors do?

Our Worthy Warriors lead by example: they help look after their campsite, use Festival bins and water sensibly, and encourage those around them to do the same. With support from a campsite coordinator, they are especially vital when tents are being packed up on Sunday and Monday, helping our campsite crews hand out recycling bags and reminding their neighbours to leave no trace.

As a Worthy Warrior, you will be able to bring a t-shirt to be screen-printed with this year’s logo, so you can be easily identified as part of our team.

Sign up to uphold your Green Pledge and help us Love the Farm and Leave No Trace. Places are limited and are first come, first served. Everyone under 16 will need their parents or guardians to sign up too.

—-> Click here to sign up now! <—-