Upload Your Images

You can upload your favourite Glastonbury photos here for a chance to feature in our public galleries for each year.

Please make sure photos are .jpg or .png, are no larger than 2mb and have a short caption. Thanks!

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Terms & Conditions
Copyright in the photographs submitted to the Gallery will remain the property of the photographer or other copyright owner but by uploading them the owner of the copyright irrevocably grants to Glastonbury Festivals Ltd the right to publish the photograph itself whether on its official website or by any other form of publication in any other media or arrange publication through third parties in any form of publication in any media and notwithstanding the generality of the forgoing the photographer/owner of the copyright hereby expressly agrees that Glastonbury Festivals Limited may use the photograph in any official DVD or similar audio-visual device or television or internet programme without further approval from or payment to the copyright owner.